Coming Soon – Diary of a Job Search

In 2017, on 12/12 at around 12 noon, I found myself suddenly unemployed after 23 years of dedicated service to a single organization.  Since then, I have been gearing up for a job search.  The enjoyment of not having to work is now juxtaposed with the worry that I will need to eventually find employment.

I’m keeping copious notes and once I have found a place to land (or perhaps a vocation, since I may not land in one place), I will publish my experiences here in hopes of helping others find success as I will (did).
The process is far different than it was 23 years ago, trust me.  And it’s not intuitive.  And if you’re over 40 (guilty, your honor), it’s even more challenging.

My background is in IT leadership, innovation, product development.  I designed and built software by assembling a team of highly effective technicians and supporting roles.  I also did the marketing and sales for the products developed, demonstrations, and financial analysis.

Keep checking back…  in the meantime, I’m publishing some articles I wrote for another publication and this is me, below, earlier in December 2017.

Apple’s 2017 World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) June 5th – 9th: Quick Takes

I am the lucky recipient of the opportunity to participate in 2017’s WWDC.  I have never been to this conference and am thrilled to be part of the show.  It was recently moved to San Jose from San Francisco and officially starts at 1 pm Monday, 6/5 with the famous Apple CEO’s Tim Cook keynote speech (made originally famous of course by Steve Jobs).

My plan is to post nightly updates on my experiences at the conference.  If you have any specific questions, please don’t hesitate to post them below.

About Me:
I have been writing applications since my first Atari-800 and the Deep Blue C software. At age 15, my mother purchased a Burroughs Mini Computer with a paper-tape interface!

Currently I work for AAA and lead a software development team that created the first custom (optional) software that was selected for use by the entire AAA Association.  It is the software that delivers Road Service to the 56M AAA members and is used in the US and Canada (CAA). This included designing, coding and implementing the original version of the software (along with a contractor who wrote the back-end) myself.  Over the source of my 23 years at AAA, I’ve assembled a team of amazing developers, UX/UI, deployment, business analysts, product managers and technology experts.

I am also an iOS developer, with both professional development experience and personal experience (I’m wrapping up development of an iOS app for performers).  I taught myself Swift in 6 months and wrote both the front end and back-end, hosted on Amazon AWS EC2.  I have a business partner who worked on the User Experience and Marketing.
I have installed Apple HomeKit and have been documenting the ups and down of that process so that I may post an article about it here.

The Difficulty of Managing Mediocrity

There are few things in personnel management more challenging than managing mediocre performers. For this article, I’m defining mediocrity as people who ebb and flow – they do an okay job usually, often slipping into performing poorly but when approached the reset back to…below average (not meeting job requirements).

As we all know, high-performers are a pleasant problem to have and generally require little management.  And consistently low performers usually fall prey to detailed performance documentation, which leads to termination or the person moving on to another organization.

Beyond the management aspect, most organizations are saddled with very specific Human Resource policies that, at best, make it tedious to manage low performers out of the organization and at worst cultivates a culture of average-to-low performing, long-tenured employees.

If all that is not enough stress, you have to consider the impact that your middling performer is having on the staff that is performing well.  Quickly questions about favoritism or “why does he/she tolerate this?” will bubble up.

If you have a manager as a direct report who is having trouble managing a low performer, you’re faced with the question of whether it’s your manager that is the issue and not the staff member.   This is especially unnerving when the staff member approaches you about being poorly or unfairly coached by your direct-report manager.  We’ve all had an ineffective manager who may not have seen our potential, and you don’t want to be the person perpetuating that poor management.

Finally, pile this all on top of the workload you already have and it becomes truly unmanageable.  The inclination becomes to just shuffle people around and ignore the problem.

Keep in mind, managing organizational performance has two masters. 

First, you and your team are obliged to provide value to the organization in return for remuneration.   Not providing value or providing lackluster value is a breach of that contract.  At the same time, your organization wants to keep turnover low and develop staff members into solid contributors.  These two goals are sometimes at odds with each other but as a solid manager, you must fulfill both.

If you’re in this situation, there are some possibilities:

  1. Work with your Human Resources (HR) department to have a “nuclear option” where you or an executive can release a staff member who continues to be a low performer. Some may say this is a lazy option, but there are simply times when it’s far better for both parties to part ways without a protracted and often ineffective performance management process.  The option could include a modicum of severance to lessen the blow on the targeted staff member.
  2. If the person in question declines but once you write them up they improve enough to be off “written warning”, you must not start over the next time performance slips. This process should be looked at as a journey.  It should be simple to refer to the four write-ups the staff member had, and the fact that s/he slipped back again when processing their termination form.  “If you improve but return to poor performance, our next step will be termination.”
  3. Take time to plan six months of deliverables and layout your own plan to measure and document performance. In other words, don’t doll out one task at a time.  Have an overall plan where the deliverables are ultimately aggregated such that if 7 out of 9 deliverables were provided late or in poor quality, it should be sufficient to write-up that staff person.  Do the same for the “written warning” period.
  4. Try to separate your human nature feelings for this person from their performance. So often we’re dealing with someone who is pleasant or command sympathy.  But sympathy is a two-way street.  Your employees must sympathize with the impact they are having on you and your team.  Also, if your feelings are ones of resentment, you have to put that aside and be objective.  A protracted performance management engagement can be derailed if you lose your temper or make a snide remark during coaching sessions.
  5. If you have questions as to whether they are managed appropriately (as in, they report to one of your managers), you can switch the reporting structure to another manager that you have confidence in, or if you have the bandwidth, you can manage this person side-by-side with your direct report and use this as coaching for your manager.
  6. If this person has chronic health issues or is taking medication that is impacting their performance, you must make Human Resources aware immediately. The American Disabilities Act protects employees who health conditions that make it challenging or require additional assistance to complete one’s job.   HR can help chart a course that takes into account their disability or may decide to part ways under a transition plan that includes severance.  Either way, leveraging HR for assistance is key.

I tried something years ago that I would not necessarily recommend unless you have a very good relationship with this person.  I unofficially sat down with the low-performer and suggested that this organization is just not a good fit and that if this process were to continue, a) there likely was not a “happy ending” in order and b) the overall process will be stressful for everyone involved.  In this case, the staff member just did not have the programming chops to keep up with the workload.  Working at another organization where he could leverage other skills was likely a better fit.  In the end, they left and were actually much happier elsewhere.  Six months later I ran into this person at the grocery store and they thanked me for encouraging them to leave.

How do you manage mediocre employees?
(image courtesy of Lifehacker)

The Consumer Electronics Show In Less Than 400 Words

If you’ve ever been to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) you know that it’s overwhelming.  The CES floor fills up both the entire Las Vegas Convention Center and the Venetian/Sands Expo area.   It brings 20,000 people to the city, which makes traffic dandy. By now you’ve probably read the myriad of press releases about hot technology at the show, mergers, and acquisitions, and trends.

“While you can find technologies as diverse as dryers that automatically fold your clothes, to underwear that shields your private parts from radiation, a majority of the expo is more mainstream.”

Below, I’ve boiled down the CES to a pithy list of technologies and discussions:

  • 5G – it’s 4G plus one!  4G will be around for a long time, but plans are underway by all the major carriers to support an even faster, ubiquitous cellular network technology.
  • Amazon Alexa – over and over.  In your car, in your office, how to program it, what it does.
  • Artificial Intelligence – making machines smarter and smarter and until Skynet
  • 8K TV’s – you thought 4K was enough?  Nope!
  • Sensors – everywhere things are being monitored, from your clothes to your wrist, learn more about yourself than you ever cared to know, and unwittingly share it with Google, who will keep good care of that information.
  • Drones – still a thing.  Lighter, last longer on a charge, better camera.
  • Self-driving cars and bolt-on self-driving technology, along with sensors (see above) that detect other cars, pedestrians, small dogs.
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality – live a life away from your dreary actual life, plus overlay your glasses with all sorts of pertinent information about the things you are seeing.
  • Smart Homes – everything in your house will talk to everything else all the time and it will all do things that you want when you want it to.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) – now that this is out there, the main concern is how do we secure it?
  • Samsung – really wants to be a leader in all things technical, and even lead where Google is going.
  • Health – clothing that monitors you (see sensors), glasses that tell you how healthy your work out is (see Augmented Reality)
  • Robots – robots that watch your children, walk your dog, dance in unison, and serve your every need (see Skynet)

Those, to my best recollection, were the big items.  Anything else that caught your eye from the press releases that I missed?  Do let me know!